We create relationships for life by designing, developing and producing the world’s best performing and most reliable blending solutions.

As a creative force behind Vitamix's graphic design portfolio, I was able to accomplish a multitude of impressive feats. Immersed in the brand guidelines, I worked in unison with an expert team to create compelling content for all platforms.

2022 was a year of remarkable accomplishments that included starting and crafting eye-catching illustrations for social media, having artwork featured in the Vitamix Museum, and contributing to the launch of our TikTok page. I also handled international social media assets and played a pivotal role in designing and promoting the Gala event.

International Social

In 2022 I began overseeing the assets for our International Social. These posts were sent to Facebook and Instagram to promote our products available internationally. These ranged from recipes, to sales and even celebrating national food holidays.I worked closely with the social and international teams to create and distribute these works.

In creating these pins, I combined my design and illustration skills. This assignment aimed to develop a series of pins for Pinterest that would draw the scroller to tap and view our new recipes for the quarter.


Vitamix on TikTok

Vitamix launched TikTok in August of 2022. But the creative and social teams collaborated for months to create content. Initially, I helped the social team generate ideas and helped film our content. This includes storyboarding, scripting, directing, and sometimes acting in some videos.

I found the individual's content for this video and stitched it. Because of this user, they inspired us to create a tomato soup recipe featuring the immersion blender. This was written and shot within just a few days.

This was the first TikTok Vitamix had made and produced that I had helped with. We could generate ideas and ways to film the video and work alongside a great team.

For March Madness, the theme we had was Vitamix Versus. I created a bracket board layout and a themed logo for March Madness, alongside story posts of different recipes versus each other. At the end of the competition, a winner was announced.

March Madness

All work and images are owned by the Vita-Mix Corporation.


Awesome Otter


NFM+Dymun Internship